I have been taking polaroids and noting every new//old person is this town memorably in my head.
Tonight started with drinks under a old overpass with the marquee moon and highway lights glaring
down on my head filled dreams and spouting stories from my mouth that i had to make real before i can
leave this town. Ended up: at this bar that was hinting at magic with the dim white Christmas lights
strung around the patio. But the loud terrible music made me delirious as drinks were consumed and
talking about Fitzgerald and decent tequila , and me smoking as many cigarettes as i could keep in my lungs.
Asking this boy for a extra smoke as he lingered in and outside the bar, to easy to not notice but of course
his wide eyes and definite intoxication drew me in, standing awkward around my table with a little french this
and that. We both walked in to get water at the same time as he asked me the infinite question "so what do you
do" he was raised in los angeles, nothing drew me in besides the fact of his will to keep quiet and his will
to be drunk.

everything now sparkles somewhat. he asks me how much longer ill be in town
i say a few weeks which is true. he has got soft gentle eyes, i wanted to run off with him.
not knowing, not ever of course knowing.
everything ebbs.
they will not linger.