I found the reason for your blue eyes to scope every inch of me and tuck me away into the corner of a once hallow bed, turning in sheets but you never fail to grasp me, let a endless sigh fall from your lips into my neck. I want now open nights of black shrouded I bonfire light to fall across our skin and we smile letting our loins sink into the ground because mine once before refused to let anything live . I want smells of the forest to fester in our pores and comfort this restless soul maybe fleet on banjos and train songs of the night. Blues wine and your strength to carry this moulant but soft body coeur heart lungs to a warm bed to rest rest rest and sleep forever next to you in noir night I still once dreamt of petit lion sun boy thought he was it irresistible but now I just know I was sad crying for every single delicate loss lost girl I wass throwing fits around with cigarettes and substances but I want to feel with you now it's only early in this laspe but we can grow under this earth sleep threw our mornings a pick wild flowers in the last rays of sun